Screen Time NewsFeed

Dr. Xiao's Warning on Screen Time's Dark Side

Research by Dr. Bowen Xiao at Carleton University in Canada suggests that excessive screen time can create a cycle of worsening sleep disturbances and increased attention problems, anxiety, and depression in children.

Smartphones Isolate Children, Harm Their Health

The excessive use of smartphones by today's children is leading to social isolation, according to experts. This issue has been linked to a range of negative effects, including Computer Vision Syndrome, which can cause eye strain and discomfort. Additionally, prolonged smartphone use has been shown to have serious impacts on the spine, skin, sleep patterns, mental stress levels, and self-confidence in children.

Meet the Gamer Who Spends $10,000 a Month

Excessive gaming habits have been linked to several negative consequences. A person may spend an inordinate amount of time on gaming sites or at locations where gaming is prevalent, such as online forums or arcades. This behavior can lead to boasting about gaming successes while downplaying losses, indicating a lack of self-awareness and potentially problematic attitudes towards risk-taking. Furthermore, individuals with excessive gaming habits often lose interest in other hobbies and activities, missing social events and gatherings. They may also allocate a significant portion of their free time and finances to gaming, leading to withdrawal from responsibilities such as unexplained absences from work or social engagements. Additionally, mood swings related to gaming activities have been reported, suggesting that excessive gaming can have a profound impact on mental health.

French Commission Tackles Social Media's Dark Side

The French National Consultative Commission on the Information of the Nation (CNCTI) is working to provide educators with tools to help young people navigate social media safely. The commission, which includes health experts and parents, is gathering information from students about their experiences with social media. They are finding that excessive screen time is causing problems such as sleep deprivation and vision issues due to prolonged exposure to blue light.